ABTAPL - Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries

Homepages of ABTAPL - Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries


The domain abtapl.org.uk presently has an average traffic classification of zero (the smaller the more users). We have parsed ten pages within the web page abtapl.org.uk and found five websites linking to abtapl.org.uk.
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Dr Andrew Lacey

Andrew was awarded a doctorate by the University of Leicester for research on the cult of King Charles I and the fruits of this work were published by the Boydell Press. He has also published many articles and essays on aspects of sixteenth and seventeenth-century history including the writing and tutoring of an online course for the University of Oxford on the English Civil War. Website best viewed on Internet Explorer with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Benedictine Institute - better living - better monastery - better world making a dream come true

Paola Esperson on Musical Awareness in a Divided World. Dr Elaine Arnold on Relationships and Families. Lea Misan and Milan Bijelič on Process Work. Healing History with Gary Reiss. St Bede Library and Learning Resources. Latin 102 Post beginners continued. English as a Foreign Language.

Making Biblical Scholarship Accessible Since 2001

Making Biblical Scholarship Accessible Since 2001. To make high quality theological material freely available throughout the world, thus providing Bible teachers and pastors with the resources they need to spread the Gospel in their countries. Digitising and uploading in co-operation with authors and publishers, rare and out-of-print theology books and articles. Over 32,000 articles are now available for free download here.

Church of England Record Society

The Church of England Record Society was founded in 1991 and aims to promote interest in and knowledge of the Church of England from the 16th century onwards. Since 1994, the Society has published volumes illustrating all periods of church history since the Reformation. The publications include editions of letters, diaries, treatises, visitation articles, or other documents and are important sources for ecclesiastical, social and political history.


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I caught that a single root page on abtapl.org.uk took eight thousand six hundred and seventy-four milliseconds to stream. We could not find a SSL certificate, so our web crawlers consider this site not secure.
Load time
8.674 sec


We observed that abtapl.org.uk is using the Microsoft-IIS/8.0 os.


ABTAPL - Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries


Homepages of ABTAPL - Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries


The domain has the following in the site, "ABTAPL is the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, an organisation formed to help those working in libraries containing theological, philosophical and related materials by sharing information and experience." I analyzed that the web page also stated " ABTAPL provides for its members an informal network for consultation, advice and support in both individual and continuing professional problems." They also stated " Last updated 20409 E-mail webmaster. This site is located on the server of Newman University." The meta header had ABTAPL as the first search term. This keyword was followed by Theology, Philosophy, and Theological Librarianship which isn't as important as ABTAPL. The other words they uses is Libraries. Librarianship is also included and might not be understood by search parsers.


ABTAPL Union list of Periodicals and other resources held by British theological and philosophical libraries

Union list of Periodicals and other resources held by British theological and philosophical libraries. Welcome to the ABTAPL resources website. Welcome to the ABTAPL Resources website. This site began with the Union list of periodicals but now also has a variety of other resources you can access. For the various online connections that an ABTAPL libraries are developing.


Amb la primavera arriba el bon temps i els nous productes de temporada. Història, cultura, tradicions. Fira Duros a 4 Peles 2015. Fira duros a 4 peles.

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Galerie abtart Rembrandtstrasse 18 70567 Stuttgart.


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